Creating a workplace where everyone thrives. At AGITO Medical, they believe that a happy team is the foundation of their success, and their recent office transformation is all about that: their dedicated employees. Interior Designer Malene...
WE MAKE IT WORK. AT WORK. This is the Lindbak slogan, and what better way to celebrate than with the opening of a new Lindbak Viken Vest showroom in Drammen, Norway.Our UVA lighting is seamlessly integrated into...
One Twenty Club Wembley We are proud that our Lute pendant is featured in multiple areas of the VIP club at Wembley Stadium in London, UK. With only 120 members, the club is called One...
St. Petrus Church Welcome inside the marvelous St. Petrus Church. This is a place where traditional and modern meets. The XL sized Lute pendants were used to keep uniformity with the glass pendants used...